姓名 |
崔康平 |
性別 |
男 |
出生年月 |
職稱 |
教授 |
行政職務 |
合肥工業大學資源與環境工程學院副院長 |
研究生導師 |
博士生導師 |
cuikangping@163.com |
聯系電話 |
0551-62901541 |
通訊地址 |
合肥市屯溪路193號 |
郵編 |
230009 |
個人簡介 |
安徽省教學名師,安徽省高水平導師,安徽省環境科學學會常務理事,中國環境科學學會會員。1992年獲合肥工業大學環境工程專業學士學位,并留校任教;2000年獲合肥工業大學應用化學專業碩士學位;2004年獲中國地質大學(北京)環境工程專業博士學位;2008年完成美國懷俄明大學博士后研究。 |
研究領域 |
1、污水處理及資源化工程技術,包括工業廢水處理與回用、城鎮污水處理廠提質增效及再生水安全利用技術、農業面源污染高效低成本處理技術、農村污水及分散式污水處理技術等。 2、流域及地下水污染修復技術,包括河湖黑臭水體污染修復、流域生態保護與修復技術、新型污染物控制技術、地下水污染修復技術等。 3、空氣污染成因與VOCs治理技術,包括PM2.5源解析與空氣質量評價、有機溶劑回收與尾氣治理、煙氣脫硫脫硝、焚燒爐尾氣二噁英控制、工業粉塵治理等。 4、固體廢物處理處置技術,包括工業固廢資源化、危險廢物中有價物質回收和無害化處置等。 |
教學工作 |
1、承擔本科生《水污染控制工程》、《工業廢水處理技術》等課程教學。 2、承擔碩士研究生《水處理工程設計》、《環境污染修復技術》、《水處理技術進展》等課程教學。 3、承擔博士研究生《水處理技術前沿》、《現代水污染控制理論與技術》等課程教學任務。 |
科研工作 |
先后主持了國家重點研發計劃項目、國家自然科學基金項目、國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題、安徽省重大科技專項項目、安徽省科技攻關計劃項目等科研項目。合作發表學術論文200余篇;培養碩博士研究生100余名;申請或授權專利40余項。 [1]國家重點研發計劃項目:高新區工業廢水近零排放及資源化利用技術研究與示范(2020.04-2023.03)主持; [2]安徽省科技重大專項:重污染滯留黑臭水體治理集成技術研究及產業化(2017.09-2020.08)主持; [3]國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題:工業園區水污染控制與水資源綜合利用技術研究與示范(2008.09-2012.05)主持; [4]國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項課題:入河/河道生態緩沖屏障與水質改善原位強化污染削減技術示范(2013.01-2016.12)主持; [5]國家自然科學基金面上項目:地下水硝酸鹽污染生物與非生物燃料電池原位修復技術(2011.01-2013.12)主持; [6]安徽省科技計劃項目:典型化工廢水深度處理新技術和示范工程(2010.01-2012.12)主持; [7]安徽省科技計劃項目:錯流渦旋式高效固液分離技術研究與設備開發(2007.01-2009.12)主持; [8]合肥市科技研發項目:農村污水高效收集與A2O 耦合MBBR 處理關鍵技術研發及示范(2020.09-2022.08)主持; [9]長豐產業創新引導資金重點項目:高濃度難降解工業廢水處理與資源化集成技術開發(2019.01-2021.12)主持; [10]安徽省環?蒲许椖浚涵h巢湖流域水環境綜合治理成效評估研究——以派河流域為例(2017.10-2019.09)主持。 |
論著獲獎 |
第一或通訊作者代表性學術論文: [1] Minshu Cui, Kangping Cui*, Xueyan Liu, Xing Chen, Yihan Chen, Zhi Guo. Roles of alkali metal dopants and surface defects on polymeric carbon nitride in photocatalytic peroxymonosulfate activation towards water decontamination [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v424, 2022, 127292. (中科院1區) [2] Tong Liu, Qi Wang, Chenxuan Li, Minshu Cui, Yawen Chen, Rui Liu, Kangping Cui∗, Ke Wu, Xianbao Nie, Sanliu Wang. Synthesizing and characterizing Fe3O4 embedded in N-doped carbon nanotubes-bridged biochar as a persulfate activator for sulfamethoxazole degradation [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, v 353, 2022, 131669(中科院1區) [3] Xueyan Liu, Minshu Cui, Kangping Cui*,Yan Ding, Xing Chen, Changbin Chen, Xianbao Nie. Construction of Li/K dopants and cyano defects in graphitic carbon nitride for highly efficient peroxymonosulfate activation towards organic contaminants degradation[J]. Chemosphere, v294, 2022, 133700.(中科院2區) [4] Yan Ding, Kangping Cui*, Xueyan Liu, Qijun Xie, Zhi Guo, Yihan Chen. Lignin peroxidase-catalyzed direct oxidation of trace organic pollutants through a long-range electron transfer mechanism: using propranolol as an example [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v431, 2022, 128544(中科院1區) [5] Minshu Cui,Kangping Cui*,Xinglong Liu,Jianpeng Shi,Xing Chen,Yihan Chen. Synergistic Effect of Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Peroxydisulfate in Visible Light-Induced Degradation of Atenolol: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 412, 2021, 127979. (中科院1區) [6] Yan Ding, Kangping Cui*, Zhi Guo, Minshu Cui, Yihan Chen. Manganese peroxidase mediated oxidation of sulfamethoxazole: Integrating the computational analysis to reveal the reaction kinetics, mechanistic insights, and oxidation pathway[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v415,2021, 125719.(中科院1區) [7] Mufan Xi, Kangping Cui*, Minshu Cui, Yan Ding, Zhi Guo, Yihan Chen, Chenxuan Li, Xiaoyang Li. Enhanced norfloxacin degradation by iron and nitrogen co-doped biochar: Revealing the radical and nonradical co-dominant mechanism of persulfate activation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,v 420, 2021,129902. (中科院1區) [8] Minshu Cui,Kangping Cui*,Xueyan Liu,Xing Chen,Zhi Guo,Yihan Chen,Chen-xuan Li. Insights into the Photocatalytic Peroxymonosulfate Activation over Defective Boron-doped Carbon Nitride for Efficient Pollutants Degradation[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 418, 2021, 126338.(中科院1區) [9] Tong Liu,Kangping Cui*, Yihan Chen,Chenxuan Li,Minshu Cui,Hongjia Yao,Yawen Chen,Shanpeng Wang. Removal of chlorophenols in the aquatic environment by activation of peroxymonosulfate with nMnOx@Biochar hybrid composites: Performance and mechanism[J]. Chemosphere, Volume 283, 2021, 131188(中科院2區) [10] Kaijie Xu,Kangping Cui*,Chenxuan Li,Minshu Cui,Rohan Weerasooriya,Xiaoyang Li,Zhaogang Ding,Xing Chen. Magnetic Core–Shell-Structured FeOx/CN Catalyst Mediated Peroxymonosulfate Activation for Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol via Non-Radical Pathway[J]. ACS ES&T Water, 2021, 1, 2217−2232. [11] Kang-Ping Cui, Ru-Ru Dai, Xu-Liu, Rohan Weerasooriya, Zhan-Yong Hong, Xing Chen*, Yu-Cheng Wu .New strategy for fabricating Cd(II) sensing electrochemical interface based on enhanced adsorption followed by redox processes: Ferro-cerium oxide nanocomposite as an example [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Volume 829, 2020, 154551. [12] Kaijie Xu, Kangping Cui*, Li-Hao Young*, Yen-Kung Hsieh, Ya-Fen Wang, Jiajia Zhang, Shun Wan. Impact of the COVID-19 Event on Air Quality in [13] Xiaoyang Li,Kangping Cui*,Zhi Guo,Tingting Yang,Yong Cao,Yinping Xiang,Huanhuan Chen,Mufan Xi. Heterogeneous Fenton-like degradation of tetracyclines using porous magnetic chitosan microspheres as an efficient catalyst compared with two preparation methods [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 379, 2020, 122324.(中科院一區,高被引論文) [14] Huan Zhang,Kangping Cui*,Zhi Guo,Xiaoyang Li,Juan Chen,Zhaoguo Qi,Siyuan Xu. Spatiotemporal variations of spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter in river flowing into a key drinking water source in China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 700, 2020, 134360.(中科院二區) [15] Xu Kaijie,Cui Kangping*,Young Li-Hao,Wang Ya-Fen,Hsieh Yen-Kung,Wan Shun,Zhang Jiajia. Air quality index, indicatory air pollutants and impact of covid-19 event on the air quality near central China[J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020, 20 (6) : 1204-1221. (高被引論文) [16]張歡,崔康平*,張強,藕翔,董獻彬,吳晨光. 派河流域水體中DOM的光譜分析及其來源解析[J].環境科學研究.2019,32(2):46~53. [17]周恩普,崔康平*,李凱波. 混凝 /MVR/微電解/芬頓 /SBR處理精喹禾靈農藥廢水[J].中國給水排水,2019,35(16):107-112. [18]潘怡然,崔康平,張碩,常佳麗,黃霞. 顆;钚蕴看龠M高溫厭氧消化的研究[J].中國環境科學.2018,38(4):1324~1328. [19]藕翔,崔康平,湯海燕,付賢鐘.不同水環境下苦草腐解對水質的影響[J].環境科學研究, 2017, 30(10):1553-1560. [20] 殷洪晶,崔康平. 微電解/芬頓/蒸發/AO 工藝處理丙硫菌唑農藥廢水[J]. 中國給水排水, 2021,37(6), 112-116. 授權發明專利: [1] 崔康平,賀振洲,許為義,張歡,王偉偉. 一種用于緩流河床水生植物栽培裝置,ZL 2017 2 0910060.6,2018.01.23 [2] 崔康平,周其胤,許為義,高毛林,賀振洲,趙軍,張歡,王偉偉. 一種用于河湖底部靜水環境中水生植物栽培裝置,ZL 2017 2 0910094.5,2018.01.30 [3] 崔康平,周其胤,賀振洲,劉磊. 一種黑臭河道水體到清潔水體監測用水收集裝置。專利號:ZL 2018 1 0571940.4,授權公告日:2020-10-30。 [4] Cui Kangping,Ding Wendong,Xu Weiyi and Guo Zhi. Method for Discriminating Pollution Status and Pollution Sources of Water in Basin. PN: 2021104134,14 July 2021. Australia [5] Cui Kangping,Li Xiaoyang,Guo Zhi and Xu Weiyi. Method for removing tetracycline antibiotics in water. PN: 2021104327,20 July 2021. Australia [7] 崔康平,代茹茹,陳星,王海波,陳桂萍,張樂泉,吳玉程。鐵鈰復合氧化物的制備方法及其材料、鎘離子的檢測方法,ZL 2019 1 0640567.8,2022.02.15 [8] 倪進娟,崔康平,陳奕涵,郭志,張鴻志,楊永杰。一種TFT-LCD有機溶劑廢液逆流調控吸收系統及方法,ZL 2021 1 0746108.5,2022.02.08 [9] Ni Jinjuan,Cui Kangping,Chen Yihan,Guo Zhi,Yang Yongjie,Zhang Hongzhi. Separation, installation and system method of organic solvent for flat panel display based on condensation method,Official application No.2021/08128,2021.12.22(南非) [10] Cui Kangping, Chen Xing, Chen Yihan, Guo Zhi, Yang Tingting. Composite photo Fenton catalyst, preparation method and application thereof,Patent42 SA – 4081 Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg) No. LU500722,2022.04.12(盧森堡) 主要獲獎: [1] 安徽省科技進步獎二等獎:黑臭水體污染溯源與治理集成技術研究及產業化應用,2021.(排名第一)。 [2] 安徽省教學成果獎二等獎:以互聯網+大賽促進科技創新人才培養模式,2020.(排名第一)。 [3] 安徽省高水平導師,2021. [4] 安徽省教學名師,2020. [5] 安徽省科技進步獎三等獎:TBO污水處理關鍵性技術,2019.(排名第二)。 [6] 合肥工業大學優秀共產黨員,2020. [7] 安徽省第五屆互聯網+大學生創新創業大賽優秀指導教師,2019. [8] 安徽省第六屆互聯網+大學生創新創業大賽優秀指導教師,2020. |